Via Debit or Credit Card
The customer is redirected to the ALPHA BANK website, so that the payment can be made. The customer can pay the entire order and the other agreed charges and charges by debiting either credit (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners, Discover), or debit or prepaid card of a recognized Greek or foreign Bank, which he accepts to our company transaction. Payment is made in a lump sum. The customer is solely responsible for the correct recording and truth of the credit card details and our company does not bear any responsibility in case of error.
In cash
The customer can pay the sale price and the other agreed charges and cash charges, payable at the store cashier, when the customer chooses "collection from the store". In our physical stores the payment can be made there using a credit or debit card.
Cash on delivery
You pay upon receipt of your parcel at the carrier. Valid for orders less than 500.00 euros (including VAT) and only when they are executed by courier. At these points the payment can be made using debit or credit cards (without installments) after consultation with the local transport shops.
Cash on delivery service is charged an additional 1.50 euros for all shipments.
By deposit in a bank account
For the approval of payment by money transfer to a bank account, it is required in the reasoning to mention the Order Number. The products are sent after the deposit has been made and the corresponding amount of money has appeared in our account.
The bank accounts to which you can transfer money are the following:
Account Number:
IBAN: GR4202600610000550101528959
Account Number:
IBAN: GR1101405600560002002008439
Bank: Greek National Bank
Account Number: 451/404053-87
IBAN: GR2101104510000045140405387
Bank: Piraeus
Account Number:
IBAN: GR4301725080005508086672504